
Deoxidant for boiler water

Acetaldehyde oxime (Acetaldoxime) for used in boiler
1. Product Description:
Chemical Name: acetaldehyde oxime
English Name: Acetaldoxime or Acetaldyhyde Oxime
CAS RN: 107-29-9
Molecular Formula: C2H5NO
2. Deoxidizing Principle:

Acetaldehyde oxime reacts with metallic oxide as metal deactivator:


3. Specification:
The product is divided into acetaldehyde oxime solution for use in boiler and high-purity acetaldehyde oxime for use in boiler two specifications:

Deoxidant and protective agent for boiler water.

  Previous product: 4,4-Dimethoxy-2-butanone
  Next product: Ammonium sulfate

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